Halloween Treats

DF Heather took this test and it's very enjoyable...

Your result for How Long Would you Survive in a Horror Film?...

The Black Guy

Look, I think the whole "the black guy always dies first" stereotype in horror films is just awful. In fact, the black guy usually dies second. So cheer up. The black guy is the one who always wants to turn back; who thinks that what the rest of the gang is doing is crazy. In other words, he's the sane guy. It's always a shame to see the black guy get cut down, because he's almost always right and you know that the group's going to just go charging right in without him.

If you're ready for a lead role check out: Danny Glover, Predator 2; Laurence Fishburne, Event Horizon; Calvin Lockhart, The Beast Must Die; Taye Diggs, House on Haunted Hill; Sanaa Lathan, Alien vs. Predator; Tory Kittles, Frankenfish; Carla Greene, Shadow: Dead Riot; Teresa Farley, Breeders; and Alex Datcher, Body Bags.

All possible results:


The Black Guy

The Horror Aficionado

The Hero/Heroine

The Killer

Please remember to rate, but more importantly, please message me if you've found any blatant errors (especially with the results page and links). Thanks!

Take How Long Would you Survive in a Horror Film? at HelloQuizzy

There will be more updates from ASG2008 coming, but here's a pic of Heather and I dressed up as String1 and String2 (our needlework versions of Thing1 and Thing2 from The Cat in the Hat).

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Keep Clicking

Thank you to everyone who clicked and helped thebreastcancersite meet their goal for the month. Keep clicking every day to keep providing free mammograms.

Reminder: You have until midnight tomorrow night (October 31) to send me entries for the blog candy. I have to apologize because the month has flown by and I haven't been tempting you as much to enter. Check out Breast Cancer Awareness Month if you want to refresh on the rules. Thanks to everyone spreading the word!

Gone Stitching

I'm on my way to Hilton Head, SC today for A Stitcher's Gathering. I'm very excited that it is back in Hilton Head and I get one more trip to the beach before the cold and wind descends. DF's Jean, Heather, Ann and I are traveling down in what Jean has dubbed The Party Van. Teresa, Angela, Joy, Vicky, and Debbie are meeting us there. It's going to be a great weekend filled with lots of laughter and probably some stitching will sneak in too. I'll have pics when I get back.

Keep clicking - The Breast Cancer Site is getting close to reaching its goal but every click counts!

Breast Cancer Fundraiser

On Sunday, DF Andy and I went to one of our LYS The Whole Nine Yarns in Woodstock for a Breast Cancer Fundraiser. All of the proceeds went to a local support group Sisters of Support. There was a small fee to attend and we got to choose a ball of pink yarn at the door. The purpose of the yarn was for all of us to work on afghan squares that will be joined and create afghans that will be auctioned or raffled off to raise more money.

The Whole Nine Yarns did a really great job and it was well attended. There was also a silent auction and many vendors donated wonderful items. I bid on and won a package that included a subscription to Vogue Knitting Magazine, 2 skeins of purple Lorna's Laces yarn, Nicky Epstein's Knitting On The Edge and a shiny pink bag for everything to go into.

The attendees were divided up into several teams and we "competed" in several activities throughout the afternoon - in between knitting on our squares. The "event" that I competed in required moving a rubber band stretched across my face and around my head (just above my upper lip) to below my lower lip without using my hands. If you find yourself with 10 or 15 minutes of free time and wonder what you should do, try this out. It's bizarre and I don't think that I moved my rubber band one millimeter before one of the gentleman of the crowd won the contest.

Keep clicking on The Breast Cancer Site for free mammograms. If they reach the goal of giving away 500 free mammograms this month, Bare Necessities is going to give away another 200 free mammograms so every click counts! You can see that we are at 52% of the goal and it's mid-month.

Ye Shall Prosper - September Goal

Some good friends (Heather, Teresa, Jean, Judy, Ann) and I decided to start a stitch along for Moss Creek Designs' Ye Shall Prosper. We took this class from Rae Iverson last fall at ASG.

The initial goal (targeted to be completed in September) was to complete the back of the needlebook which we started in class.

I completed mine tonight, late as usual...but I'll try to do better in October.

Pink Inspiration

I found the Stitch Pink blog today and I wanted to share it with everyone. This blog is dedicated to stitching (and crafting) for and about the cause. It's a great place to find charts and projects for you to stitch and also for people to share what they have stitched. Check out the beautiful biscornus! I have a serious attraction to biscornus right now.

I also joined the When Pink Matters challenge today. The challenge is for anyone who has been touched by Breast Cancer to stitch at least one pink item by October 31, 2009. Yes, 2009! A whole year away. Maybe with my current biscornu obsession I need to find a pink one. If you have or find a suggestion, please let me know.

Save the Ta-tas!

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I'd like to challenge everyone to wear pink this month. Let's heighten awareness!

In case anyone needs incentive, I'm going to give away my first Blog Candy. I will have a drawing on Nov 1. The prize package will be knitting related and I'll be dropping some hints throughout the month regarding its content.

So how do you enter the drawing, you ask? There are sooo many ways! I will enter your name every time you do one of the following:

1. Post a comment on my blog anytime in October and mention Breast Cancer Awareness or Going Pink.
2. Post to your own blog and mention Breast Cancer Awareness, ETA: and send me an email referencing the post.
3. Wear pink, take a picture and email it to me.
4. If you've had your mammogram this year (2008), send me an email and tell me. If you haven't had your mammogram, schedule it, do it and then email me. Note: this qualifies for a single entry.
5. If you get someone else to have a mammogram this month, email me.
6. If you make a donation to any Breast Cancer organization (Susan G Komen, Memorial Sloan-Kettering, etc), email me (you don't have to tell me the amount just that you did it).
7. Knit something pink, take a picture and email it to me.

See how easy it is to rack (no pun intended) up those entries! It's so important to get the word out and I know that you smart women can help. My email address is jillnoleatgmaildotcom.

If you'd like additional information on Breast Cancer Awareness Month check out the website.

One more thing...

The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman.

It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on 'donating a mammogram' -- for free (pink window in the middle). This does not cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate a mammogram in exchange for advertising.

Please ask 10 friends to tell 10 friends.