In case anyone needs incentive, I'm going to give away my first Blog Candy. I will have a drawing on Nov 1. The prize package will be knitting related and I'll be dropping some hints throughout the month regarding its content.
So how do you enter the drawing, you ask? There are sooo many ways! I will enter your name every time you do one of the following:
1. Post a comment on my blog anytime in October and mention Breast Cancer Awareness or Going Pink.
2. Post to your own blog and mention Breast Cancer Awareness, ETA: and send me an email referencing the post.
3. Wear pink, take a picture and email it to me.
4. If you've had your mammogram this year (2008), send me an email and tell me. If you haven't had your mammogram, schedule it, do it and then email me. Note: this qualifies for a single entry.
5. If you get someone else to have a mammogram this month, email me.
6. If you make a donation to any Breast Cancer organization (Susan G Komen, Memorial Sloan-Kettering, etc), email me (you don't have to tell me the amount just that you did it).
7. Knit something pink, take a picture and email it to me.
See how easy it is to rack (no pun intended) up those entries! It's so important to get the word out and I know that you smart women can help. My email address is jillnoleatgmaildotcom.
If you'd like additional information on Breast Cancer Awareness Month check out the website.
One more thing...
The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman.
It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on 'donating a mammogram' -- for free (pink window in the middle). This does not cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate a mammogram in exchange for advertising.
Please ask 10 friends to tell 10 friends.
You rock for posting this post about Breast Cancer Awareness Month!!
That's one. =)
Awesome idea Jill! Keep up the good work at reminding everyone about Breast Cancer Awareness and the need for early detection!
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